
Serbien og Makedonien lukker grænsen for migranter

Hundredevis af flygtninge strandet i ingenmandsland, efter at Serbien og Makedonien har lukket grænserne.

TOPSHOTS A migrant woman and her baby walk past Macedonian police on November 22, 2015, while crossing the Greek-Macedonian border near Gevgelija. Serbia and Macedonia, which lie on the main migrant route to northern Europe, have begun restricting the entry of refugees to just those from certain countries, the UN refugee agency said on November 19. AFP PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
Foto: Robert Atanasovski

En flygtning og hendes barn krydser den græsk-makedonske grænse nær Gevgelija. Serbien og Makedonien har for få dage siden besluttet at lukke grænsen for flygtninge, der ikke er fra Syrien, Irak eller Afghanistan. Det betyder i følge UNHCR, at hundredevis af migranter og flygtninge er strandet i ingenmandsland.

TOPSHOTS Migrants and refugees from Pakistan demonstrate behind razor wire in front of Macedonian police as they wait to cross the Greek-Macedonian border near Gevgelija on November 22, 2015. Serbia and Macedonia, which lie on the main migrant route to northern Europe, have begun restricting the entry of refugees to just those from certain countries, the UN refugee agency said on November 19. AFP PHOTO / ROBERT ATANASOVSKI
Foto: Scanpix

Palæstinensiske flygtninge fra Pakistan kan ikke længere få lov at krydse grænsen til Serbien og Makedonien for at komme til Europa. I løbet af de seneste måneder er hundredtusinder af flygtninge og migranter passeret de to lande.

Refugees sleep outside the entrance of the Swedish Migration Agency's arrival center for asylum seekers at Jagersro in Malmo, Sweden, November 20, 2015. Sweden, a favourite destination for refugees flooding into Europe, can no longer house all those arriving and many will have to find their own accommodation, the country's migration agency said on Thursday. Sweden has already imposed temporary border controls in response to the record influx of refugees, while authorities plan to shelter thousands of people in heated tents as well as venues such as ski resorts and a theme park. REUTERS/Stig-Ake Jonsson/TT News Agency ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. THIS PICTURE IS DISTRIBUTED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED BY REUTERS, AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS. SWEDEN OUT.NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN SWEDEN.NO COMMERCIAL SALES.
Foto: Stig-Åke Jonsson/Scanpix

Flygtninge sover uden for et svensk asylcenter i Malmø. Sverige, som er et af de lande i Europa, der har modtaget flest flygtninge, kan ikke længere garantere overnatning for nyankomne flygtninge.

TOPSHOTS A child receives assistance after arriving on the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey with other refugees and migrants on November 19, 2015. European leaders tried to focus on joint action with Africa to tackle the migration crisis, as Slovenia became the latest EU member to act on its own by barricading its border. AFP PHOTO/BULENT KILIC
Foto: Bulent Kilic/Scanpix

En syrisk flygtningedreng ankommer til Lesbos efter at have krydset Middelhavet i en gummibåd. Hver dag ankommer der omkring 4.000 nye flygtninge til øen, hvis infrastruktur er brudt sammen.

RB PLUS Bedskabsstyrelsen opbygger teltlejr i Thisted d. 16. november 2015 til modtagelse af 400-450 flygtninge- - Se RB 20/11 2015 09.28. Det øgede pres fra asylansøgere får nu regeringen til at flytte yderligere milliarder fra ulandsbistand til asylområdet i Danmark. Tosset, mener ngo og forsker. (Foto: Henning Bagger/Scanpix 2015)
Foto: Henning Bagger/Scanpix

Det øgede pres fra asylansøgere har givet den danske regering anledning til at oprette teltlejre til de primært syriske, afghanske og irakiske flygtninge, der kommer til Danmark.

Europe, France, Calais, 7 November 2015 : The Jungle. The settlement on the outskirts of Calais, on the northern French coast, has no official name, but everyone calls it 'The Jungle' The estimated 6, 000 migrants who live there cohabit with rats and mice, in makeshift shelters frequently exposed to flooding. They have to share 40 toilets with no hand-washing facilities, drink from water sources contaminated by feces, and deal with regular outbreaks of tuberculosis and scabies. The French police evict migrants who try to set up tents anywhere outside of the Jungle but every night migrants trying to reach England by jumping the fences of the train station to board a train or clandestinely slipping inside the trucks. Photo ' Danilo Balducci/Sintesi/SINTESI_SINTESI031/Credit:Danilo Balducci/SINTESI/SIPA/1511201852
Foto:Danilo Balducci/Scanpix

På den franske nordkyst i udkanten af ​​Calais bor omkring 6.000 flygtninge og migranter i det, der bliver kaldt The jungle. Migranterne, der bor i telte under dårlige sanitære forhold, forsøger at komme til England gennem Eurotunnellen.

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