
En præsidentkampagne for hvem som helst

En præsidentkampagne for hvem som helst

Efter slaget om om Iowa, der med en tredjeplads til Marco Rubio bragte den unge senator på alles læber, er det i dag New Hampshire, det handler om. En lille stat på østkysten, der ikke giver mange delegerede til sejrherren, men som ikke desto mindre har stor psykologisk betydning. Hos republikanerne står Trump til at få dobbelt så mange stemmer som nummer to, Marco Rubio, og hos demokraterne fører Bernie Sanders stort over Hillary Clinton. Ikke desto mindre er det langt fra usandsynligt, at Rubio og Clinton, de begge betegnes som etablissementets kandidater, vil stå tilbage som de moralske sejrherre. Men der er langt flere kandidater end dem, der indtager scenen i tv-debatterne. Faktisk er der 1.500, der stiller op som præsident. Fotografen Jim Young har fulgt en af dem, Michael Petyo, genenm Illinois.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo leaves a voice message while campaigning in downtown Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY

Både Hillary og Donald stiller op til det amerikanske præsidentvalg. Men det er der mere end 1.500 andre, der også gør. En af dem er Michael Petyo fra Hobart, Indiana, en lille by i nærheden af Chicago.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo looks in through a door at the American Legion in Highland, Indiana, United States, December 15, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Den Republikanske præsidentkandidat Michael Petyo kigger ud gennem døren i Den Amerikanske Legion i Highland, Indiana.

Han er ikke kendt, og han har ikke millioner af dollars i ryggen.

Men han har udfyldt Den Føderale Valgkommissions formularer ligesom alle andre, der stiller op.

I sit civile liv er Petyo byggeentreprenør, far, ægtemand og veteran fra den amerikanske flåde.


Jim Young

Den canadisk fødte fotograf Jim Young har i mange år fulgt skiftende amerikanske præsidenter og dækket Det Hvide Hus. I 2011 flyttede han til Chicago og fik øje for andet end politk.

A customer at a restaurant holds a card given to him by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo in Portage, Indiana, United States, December 6, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
En kunde i en en restaurant holder et visitkort frem, som han har fået af den Republikanske præsidentkandidat Michael Petyo i Portage, Indiana.

Tilbage i maj rakte Petyo mig sit visitkort og sagde, at han stillede op til det amerikanske præsidentvalg.

Han stod uden for Lincoln Dinner, et arrangement i Des Moines, Iowa, som førende potentielle Republikanske kandidater deltog i.

Han kunne ikke få lov at komme ind til de andre kandidater.

Vi talte bare sammen et øjeblik, men jeg tog imod hans visitkort.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo works in his home office in Hobart, Indiana, November 17, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo på arbejde i sit hjemmekontor i Hobart, Indiana.

Flere måneder senere læste jeg en artikel om, at et par hundrede mennesker allerede havde meldt sig som præsidentkandidater. De kom fra alle brancher: Forretningsfolk, lærere, bartendere.

Så kom jeg i tanke om Petyo fra Iowa. Han bor kun 120 kilometer fra mig i Indiana, så jeg kontaktede ham og aftalte at mødes i hans hjem, hvor jeg talte med ham og hans kone i deres spisestue.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo works in the kitchen while preparing baked goods to be sold to support his church in Portage, Indiana, November 12, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo laver bagværk i sit køkken, som skal sælges til fordel for hans kirke.

Det her er den fjerde præsidentkampagne, jeg dækker, og jeg har altid været fascineret af, hvad der driver folk til at stille op.

Jeg har tilbagelagt ufatteligt mange kilometer, men altid i selskab med topkandidater, der havde massiv økonomisk opbakning og hjælp fra en hær af frivillige.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo speaks to people lining up to get into a Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 10, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo taler for nogle folk, som står i kø for at komme ind til et debat mellem Republikanske præsidentkandidater i Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Det har Petyo ikke noget af. Han har nogle visitkort, sin varevogn og nogle ting, han tror på.

Han taler om arbejderklassen – på hans website er der billeder af en madkasse og en arbejdshjelm – religion og, ligesom de fleste kandidater der forsøger at fiske stemme, militæret.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo lights candles before the start of a reader service at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church where he is a Cantor in Hobart, Indiana, United States, December 6, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo tænder lys i Sankt Nikolajs Ortodokse Kirke i Hobart, Indiana.

I sin fritid bager han for at samle penge ind til sin katolske kirke, hvor han er korleder. Religion er en vigtig del af hans liv, og han taler meget varmt om det.

I løbet af de følgende mange måneder, mødtes vi flere gange, mens han førte valgkamp eller bare ordnede sine private gøremål.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo campaigns in a barber shop in Hobart, Indiana, November 17, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Petyo fører valgkamp i en frisørsalon.

Frisørsaloner, tømmerpladser, lokale restauranter.

I november kørte Petyo hen til en Republikansk præsidenkandidat-debat i Milwaukee, men der fik han heller ikke lov at komme ind. Alligevel tager han turen forbi alle, der står i kø for at komme ind. Han smiler og giver hånd til alle.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo stands outside a security barricade hoping to get admission to a Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 10, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo står uden for en sikkerhedsafspærring og håber, at han får adgang til en debat mellem Republikanske præsidentkandidater i Milwaukee.

Senere den måned fører han valgkamp i Chicagos gader. Det er en kold og blæsende dag, og folk drøner forbi med hovedet begravet i deres mobiltelefoner, mens han med visitkortet i hånden forsøger at præsentere sig selv.

Enkelte stopper og er nysgerrige og spørger til hans politik. Han hilser på turister og arbejdere, som ønsker ham held og lykke.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo speaks to a worker as he campaigns at a restaurant in Valparaiso, Indiana, November 17, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo taler med en arbejder, mens han fører valgkamp i en restaurant i Valparaiso, Indiana.

For kandidater som Petyo handler det om at finde amerikanere, som vil lytte til dem, siger Bart Rossi, som er politisk psykolog.

»De skal have deres tanker og ideer ud i offentligheden,« siger Rossi. »De skal ud på banen, også selv om de måske ikke har en chance for at vinde spillet.«

Det var ikke noget særligt ved hans historie, der interesserede mig. Han er ikke nogen fuldtidspolitiker – bare en almindelig fyr, som står over for, hvad mange ville kalde uoverstigelige forhindringer.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo speaks to a patron while campaigning at the American Legion in Highland, Indiana, United States, December 15, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Petyo taler med en mæcen, mens han fører valgkamp i Den Amerikanske Legion i Highland, Indiana.

Bliver han USA’s 45. præsident? Det er noget af en underdrivelse at sige, at han har oddsene imod sig.

Men det skulle ikke afholde ham eller nogen andre fra at forsøge.

U.S. Republican presidential candidate Michael Petyo speaks to potential voters while campaigning in downtown Chicago, Illinois, November 20, 2015. Reuters Photographer Jim Young: "Hillary and Donald are running. So are more than 1, 500 others, among them Michael Petyo of Hobart, Indiana. He's not a household name, nor does he have millions of dollars in backing. Petyo is a building contractor, a father and a U.S. Navy veteran. Back in May, Petyo handed me his card. He was outside an event in Des Moines, Iowa, attended by leading potential Republican candidates. Petyo said the party wouldn't let him inside. We only spoke for a minute. Months later, I read of a few hundred people having already signed up to run for president: businesspeople, teachers, bartenders. Petyo lives about 75 miles from me so I arranged to meet. We spoke for a couple of hours at his dinner table with his wife. This is my fourth presidential election campaign. I have logged countless miles and been to hundreds of events - but always with candidates with massive financial backing and support from countless volunteers. Petyo has business cards, his van, his beliefs. He speaks about the working class, faith, the military. In his spare time he bakes to raise money for the church. Religion is important to him and he speaks about it passionately. Over the months we meet up while he campaigns and goes about his life. Petyo drives to a Republican debate in Milwaukee in November; the door is shut there too. He still works the lines of attendees outside. In Chicago people brush by on a cold, windy day as he tries to introduce himself. Some stop to ask him about his policies. He is not a full-time politician, just a regular guy facing what many would call insurmountable obstacles. It's quite the understatement to say the odds are stacked against him. But that shouldn't stop him or anyone from trying." REUTERS/Jim Young SEARCH "PETYO" FOR ALL IMAGES
Michael Petyo taler med potentielle vælgere, mens han fører valgkamp Chicago.

Petyo er en troende mand.

»Da Gud valgte David som konge var han ikke andet end hyrdedreng. Han var ikke millionær eller milliardær,« skriver han på kampagnens hjemmeside.

»Det kræver blot én mand udvalgt af Gud, at forsvare folket og nationen.«

Primærvalget: New Hampshire

Efter slaget om om Iowa, der med en tredjeplads til Marco Rubio bragte den unge senator på alles læber, er det i dag New Hampshire, det handler om. En lille stat på østkysten, der ikke giver mange delegerede til sejrherren, men som ikke desto mindre har stor psykologisk betydning. Hos republikanerne står Trump til at  få dobbelt så mange stemmer som nummer to, Marco Rubio, og hos demokraterne fører Bernie Sanders stort over Hillary Clinton. Ikke desto mindre er det langt fra usandsynligt, at Rubio og Clinton, de begge betegnes som etablissementets kandidater, vil stå tilbage som de moralske sejrherre.

Det er sandt i Danmark, men det er endnu mere sandt i det amerikanske primærvalg: Stol ikke meningsmålinger. Følg resultaterne (tal lyver som bekendt ikke helt så meget som os andre) på RealclearPolitics.

Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00