On January 17th 2019 Minister for Integration Inger Støjberg welcomed the first new Danish citizens of this year at a constitutional ceremony at Eigtveds Pakhus in Copenhagen. This also marks the first time the law passed as of January 1st making it mandatory for new citizens to shake hands with the officials at the ceremony was taken into effect. This law has sparked much debate both nationally and internationally as it mainly targets new muslim citizens who refuses handshakes on religious grounds. . (Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix)
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Om at dumme sig
Nogle gange kunne man godt ønske sig, at der var lidt flere, som åbent og ærligt gik ud og sagde, ”nu har jeg tænkt over det, og jeg er nået frem til, at jeg har dummet mig”. At det blev sagt helt uden forbehold og bagtanker. Bare en ren og skinbarlig selvindsigt, der kunne stråle […]