The Airbnb logo is seen on a little mini pyramid under the glass Pyramid of the Louvre museum in Paris, France, March 12, 2019. Airbnb and the Louvre museum will offer the chance to spend a night in the Louvre museum on April 30 where a contest winner with a guest will have an aperitif in front of the painting "Mona Lisa" (La Joconde) by Leonardo Da Vinci, a dinner in front of the Venus de Milo statue during a private visit and finally sleep in their own little mini pyramid under the glass Pyramid. Picture taken March 12, 2019. REUTERS/Charles Platiau
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Det er godt at have nogle klare etiske grundværdier at navigere efter her i tilværelsen. Men hverdagen kan også hurtigt vise sig som lidt af et minefelt, når man så faktisk forsøger at gøre det. Bare lige et hurtigt eksempel til at starte med: Da den 23-årige aktivist og influencer Amalie Have for ti uger […]