TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump look up at the partial solar eclipse from the balcony of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 21, 2017. The Great American Eclipse completed its journey across the United States Monday, with the path of totality stretching coast-to-coast for the first time in nearly a century. Totality began over Oregon at about 1716 GMT and ended at 1848 GMT over Charleston, South Carolina where sky-gazers whooped and cheered as the Moon moved directly in front of the Sun. / AFP PHOTO / NICHOLAS KAMM
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Had og kærlighed i nyhedsbranchen
I mangel af et bedre udtryk er Føljeton et nyhedsmagasin. Det betyder ikke, at vi elsker nyheder. Hvis nogen spurgte, om vi elsker eller hader nyheder, og der kun var de to muligheder – elsker og hader – og ikke mulighed for at tilføje et ”men” eller et ”når det er sagt”, ja, så ville vi nok vælge ”hader”. Hvis du […]