(FILES) This file photo taken on July 29, 2016 shows Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos speaking to the audience during the first day of the campaign "Pedagogy for Peace" to inform people about the peace talks between the government and the FARC guerrillas, in Cali, Colombia. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on October 7, 2016 for his efforts to end five decades of war in his country. / AFP PHOTO / LUIS ROBAYO
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Beslutningen var efter alt at dømme truffet, før et flertal af colombianerne forleden stemte nej til præsident Juan Manuel Santos’ fredsplan: Søndag sagde 50,2% af vælgerne nej til fredsplanen med guerillagruppen FARC og væltede dermed den fejring af fredsviljen, som ellers var planlagt. Men tildelingen af årets Nobels fredspris til netop Juan Manuel Santos er […]