Hvad pokker gør vi med uligheden?
Hvad pokker gør vi med uligheden?
Den socialdemokratiske regering har sammen med sine støttepartier lovet, at de vil bekæmpe den ulighed, der siden 1991 har været stødt stigende i Danmark. Men der er mange måde, hvorpå man kan gribe den problematik an. Akademikerbladet har spurgt tre eksperter, hvilke værktøjer regeringen kan tage i brug for at overholde sit løfte.

Belarusian shepherd Alexey Usikov, 33, drives a horse-drawn carriage equipped with a battery, head lights and a small potbelly stove, which he crafted out of an old Audi-80 and which he jokingly calling it an Audi-40 as he used only a half of the car, in the village of Knyazhytsy, Belarus May 28, 2020. Reuters photographer Vasily Fedosenko: "Cowherd Alexey Usikov often has to brave inclement weather while tending to his herd at a collective farm in eastern Belarus. On a neighbour's suggestion, he decided to convert his old Audi 80 into an 'all-weather' cart by connecting half of it to a horse-drawn shaft. The result? A rough-and-ready home on wheels that protects Usikov from the rain. His 'Audi-40', as he jokingly calls the improvised half of the original car, is equipped with a battery, headlights, radio, and even a tiny potbelly stove that provides warmth and on which he makes coffee. Usikov has welded the cart's body where necessary, repainted it, and lubricates and pumps the wheels. "It gives you pleasure to ride a well-maintained cart, " he said. I wanted one photo that would show the inimitable self-made horse-drawn carriage against the backdrop of Usikov's village. Such a moment presented itself at the end of his shift, when he handed over cow-tending duties to his brother and went home. A steep hill allowed for a top-down shot capturing the two horses pulling the unusual vehicle past an ordinary village house." REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko/File photo SEARCH "POY STORIES 2020" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY