
50 millioner børn på flugt fra krig og fattigdom

Krig, klimaforandringer, vold og fattigdom har fået 50 millioner børn over hele verden til at forlade deres hjem. Det viser en ny rapport fra UNICEF, der også fastslår, at antallet af børn på flugt fra krig er fordoblet siden 2005, samt at et stigende antal børn flygter alene. Rapporten opfordrer verdens ledere til at tage affære og yde beskyttelse til børnene, for som UNICEF’s udviklingschef, Ted Chaiban, siger: ”Det, der er vigtigt, er, at de her børn på flugt er børn. Og de bør blive behandlet som børn.”



(FILES) This file photo taken on October 2, 2015 shows a woman falling into the water with her child as they disembark off a dinghi as refugees and migrants arrive at the Greek island of Lesbos after crossing the Aegean sea from Turkey. A year ago, the tragic death of a three-year-old Syrian boy shocked Europe as an unprecedented crisis saw hundreds of thousands of migrants and refugees arrive on the continent. Aylan is one of some 3, 700 people who die trying to reach Europe in 2015, including his mother and his brother, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). In the first eight months of 2016 alone, another 3, 165 die or go missing at sea - - a sharp rise from 2, 656 people in the same period last year. / AFP PHOTO / ARIS MESSINIS

Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00