
COP21 går igang

Stille protest i Paris: 140 stats- og regeringsledere er på vej til COP21, der indledes i dag. Søndag blev et forbud mod demonstrationer trodset med tomme sko.

Pairs of shoes are symbolically placed on the Place de la Republique, after the cancellation of a planned climate march following shootings in the French capital, ahead of the World Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21), in Paris, France, November 29, 2015. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY
Scanpix/Eric Gaillard

Franske myndigheder har af sikkerhedsgrunde forbudt demonstrationer efter angrebene i Paris, hvor 130 mennesker blev dræbt og andre 350 såret. Forud for COP21 var den planlagte demonstration søndag derfor aflyst, men på Place de la Republique i Paris blev sko opstillet i en stille protest.

A man dressed as Yoda stands among shoes on the Place de la Republique which is covered in pairs of shoes on November 29, 2015 in downtown Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate" within the UN conference on climate change COP21, as an attempt to get round the French authorities' ban on public gatherings. Paris has extended a ban on public gatherings introduced after the terror attacks in the French capital until November 30, the start of UN climate talks, where some 150 leaders will be tasked with reaching the first truly universal climate pact. Placard reads : "Black gold you shall leave. Peace you shall get". AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET
Foto: Scanpix/Joel Saget

Regeringsledere begyndte søndag at ankomme til Paris. Udklædt som den retskafne Master Yoda fra Star Wars-filmene sidder en mand på Place de la Republique midt mellem alle skoene. Protesten, der var organiseret gennem den aktivistiske organisation Avaaz’ website, var et forsøg på at komme uden om demonstrationsforbuddet. På skiltet står der »Sort guld, du skal efterlade. Fred, du skal få.«

This picture shows some of the shoes on the Place de la Republique which is covered in pairs of shoes on November 29, 2015 in downtown Paris, as part of a symbolic and peaceful rally called by the NGO Avaaz "Paris sets off for climate" within the UN conference on climate change COP21, as an attempt to get round the French authorities' ban on public gatherings. Paris has extended a ban on public gatherings introduced after the terror attacks in the French capital until November 30, the start of UN climate talks, where some 150 leaders will be tasked with reaching the first truly universal climate pact. AFP PHOTO / JOEL SAGET
Foto: Scanpix/Joel Saget

I København og Århus, i Europa og resten af verden blev der søndag demonstreret for at sætte fokus på de globale klimaproblemer.
Forud for happeningen i Paris er tusindvis af sko blevet sendt til Paris som erstatning for deres ejere, der ikke måtte demonstrere.

French President Francois Hollande (L) shakes hands with Chinese President Xi Jinping upon his arrival for a working dinner at the Elysee Presidential palace in Paris, on November 29, 2015. Some 150 leaders will attend the start on November 30 of the UN conference on climate change, tasked with reaching the first truly universal climate pact. AFP PHOTO / STEPHANE DE SAKUTIN
Foto: Scanpix/Stephane de Sakutin

Flere end 140 stats- og regeringsledere – og omkring 40.000 delegerede og andre besøgende – kommer til Paris i løbet af de næste to uger. I går begyndte statslederne at ankomme. Frankrigs præsident François Hollande bød sin kinesiske kollega  Xi Jinping velkommen til en arbejdsmiddag i det præsidentielle palads, Elysee.

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