
Hvorfor citerer europæiske politikere lige pludselig Dostojevskij?

Hvorfor citerer europæiske politikere lige pludselig Dostojevskij?

Vi er så utrolig glade for Dostojevskij, og det har vi sgu altid været. Gamle Fjodor har aldrig svigtet os, når vi havde lidt brug for at kigge ned i menneskets bug, men nu er de europæiske politikere lige pludselig også begyndt at interessere sig for ham. Måske fordi han er så god til at beskrive det gamle Europa, som vi kan lide det, og måske endnu mere et halvråddent Rusland, som vi kan lide det.

TOBOLSK, SIBERIA, RUSSIA - JANUARY 20: A monument to Fyodor Dostoevsky, a famous classic Russian writer, by a sculptor Mikhail Pereyaslavets in the city of Tobolsk, Russia. The monument was opened in 2010, and stands next to the Church of Peter and Paul, not far from the the Prison Castle, a strict regime prison in Tobolsk. The prison was built during 1838-1855. The architectural ensemble consisted of several cell blocks, a hospital for prisoners, an administrative building, and other premises. Through it's history, especially during the Soviets, the conditions in the prison were considered stricter than in colony. One of the most famous prisoners of the prison were Mikhail Mikhaylov, Vladimir Korolenko, Nikolay Chernyshevski. Fyodor Dostoyevski, a famous Russian writer, spent about 10 days in one of the prisons in Tobolsk while he was transferred to Omsk for penal servitude. The prison was closed in 1989. Now the Prison Castle is opened to tourists. It accomodates the city archive, a museum, a hostel, a libraty, etc. Tourists can stay in a hostel which used to be a block of sweat-boxes (punishments cells).(Photo by Alexander Aksakov/Getty Images)

Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00Silicon Valley00:00Mexico City00:00New York00:00Sao Paulo00:00Nuuk00:00Bangui00:00Linköping00:00Kyjiv00:00Kabul00:00Mumbai00:00Hong Kong00:00Shanghai00:00Sydney00:00Fransk Polynesien00:00