A handout picture provided by the Lebanese photo agency Dalati and Nohra on August 6, 2020, shows French President Emmanuel Macron (C) inspecting the damages at the port of Lebanon's capital Beirut. - Macron visited shell-shocked Beirut, pledging support and urging change after a massive explosion devastated the Lebanese capital in a disaster that has sparked grief and fury. (Photo by STRINGER / DALATI AND NOHRA / AFP) / === RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / HO / DALATI AND NOHRA" - NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ===
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Macron i Beirut
! بحبك يا لبنان Emmanuel Macron, på Twitter kl. 23.00 torsdag aften Hvad pokker skal man sige? Måske var det lige at stramme den, da Frankrigs præsident sluttede sine lange, begivenhedsrige dag i Beirut af med et kort tweet på arabisk: ”Jeg elsker dig, Libanon!” Nøgternt betragtet findes der næppe en mere emotionelt ladet […]