This image obtained November 14, 2018 courtesy of NASA shows the Hiawatha impact crater covered by the Greenland Ice Sheet and a tongue of ice that breaches the crater's rim. - A massive iron meteorite smashed into Greenland as recently as 12, 000 years ago, leaving a crater bigger than Paris that was recently discovered beneath the ice with sophisticated radar, researchers said Wednesday, November 14, 2018. The crater is the first of its kind ever found on Greenland - - or under any of the Earth's ice sheets - - and is among the 25 largest known on Earth, said the report in the journal Science Advances. (Photo by John SONNTAG / NASA / AFP) / == RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE / MANDATORY CREDIT: "AFP PHOTO / NASA / John SONNTAG" / NO MARKETING / NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS / DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS ==
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Dum meteor, hovedløst landsting
Prøv at forestille dig følgende scenario: Pludselig formørkes himlen over Østersøen, og da folk i byerne og landdistrikterne langs kysterne i Sverige, Tyskland, Polen, Kaliningrad, Letland og Litauen kigger op, får de øje på en meteor, som ikke bare er på vej mod Bornholm, men gudhjælpeme også har samme størrelse som Bornholm. Bang! siger det. […]