Lad os lige tage en rask lille historisk tolerancequiz på sådan en herlig torsdag i februar – det er vigtigt at kunne sin historie, når store omvæltninger står for døren: i dagene efter det verdensomstyrtende angreb på World Trade Center i New York 2001 holdt en vigtig mand en vigtig tale. Han sagde blandt andet:
”Face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That’s not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace.
When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that’s made brothers and sisters out of every race – out of every race.
America counts millions of Muslims amongst our citizens, and Muslims make an incredibly valuable contribution to our country. Muslims are doctors, lawyers, law professors, members of the military, entrepreneurs, shopkeepers, moms and dads. And they need to be treated with respect. In our anger and emotion, our fellow Americans must treat each other with respect.
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