Protesters shout slogans and hold posters reading "No to dictatorship" during a protest in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw, as they urge Polish President to reject a bill changing the judiciary system on July 23, 2017. Protesters take to the streets across Poland after lawmakers adopted a controversial reform of the Supreme Court despite the threat of unprecedented EU sanctions. The rallies sprung up after the lower house of parliament, which is controlled by the ruling conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party, voted 235 to 192 - - with 23 abstentions - - in favour of giving the government power to select candidates for the court. / AFP PHOTO / JANEK SKARZYNSKI
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Den polske PiS-situation
Polen er et stort og mærkeligt land. Det manøvrerede så fint og elegant i tiden omkring østblokkommunismens sammenbrud for 26 år siden. Allerede i august 1989 fik landet sin første ikke-kommunistiske statsminister, og i december samme år vedtog parlamentet en række love, der gjorde det til et ægte parlamentarisk demokrati. Året efter blev den gamle elektriker, nobelprismodtager og superaktivist […]