Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini gestures as he speaks during a press conference in the Lega headquarters in northern Milan following the results of the European parliamentary elections, on May 27, 2019. - Matteo Salvini's anti-migrant League party won the most votes on May 26 in European elections in Italy, marking a historic success for the far-right. With over 99 percent of ballots counted, the League won 34.3 percent, compared to just six percent in the 2014 EU elections and 17 percent in the Italian general election last year. (Photo by Miguel MEDINA / AFP)
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Sådan gør vi med højrepopulismen
En af valgkampens største utilsigtede vittigheder leverede Kristian Thulesen Dahl søndag aften, da det stod klart, at ekstremt få danskere havde stemt på partiet til Europa-Parlamentsvalget. Thulesen Dahl, der de forløbne uger har set slidt og stresset ud, ankom til DF’s valgfest på Christiansborg og talte ifølge BT ”dunder” til forsamlingen. ”Vores politik er ikke […]