An artist's rendering image released to Reuters on October 19, 2009 shows an exoplanet 6 times the Earth-size circulating around its low-mass host star at a distance equal to 1/20th of the Earth-Sun distance. The host star is a companion to two other low-mass stars, which are seen here in the distance (L). European astronomers announced they had found 32 new planets orbiting stars outside our solar system and said on Monday they believe their find means that 40 percent or more of Sun-like stars have such planets. REUTERS/ESO/L. Calcada/Handout (UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENT SCI TECH) FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS
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Under den cool titel ‘Imam life’ bragte Føljeton sidste år en række interviews med de to yngre danske imamer Naveed Baig og Waseem Hussain. Baig er hospitalsimam på Rigshospitalet, og Hussain er fængselsimam og i øvrigt formand for Dansk Islamisk Center. I et af kapitlerne i sin nys udkomne, veloplagte selvbiografi Imam bag tremmer (Gyldendal) forklarer Waseem Hussain […]