Police officers in a forsensic suits are photographed at the scene with a lorry, believed to have originated from Bulgaria, and found to be containing 39 dead bodies, inside a police cordon after being discovered at Waterglade Industrial Park in Grays, east of London, on October 23, 2019. - British police said 39 bodies were found near London Wednesday in the container of a truck thought to have come from Bulgaria. Essex Police said the people were all pronounced dead at the scene in an industrial park in Grays, east of London. Early indications suggest the victims are 38 adults and one teenager. A 25-year-old man from Northern Ireland has been arrested on suspicion of murder. (Photo by Ben STANSALL / AFP)
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En ligvogn for de uvelkomne
I går blev der fundet 39 lig i en lastbilcontainer i Storbritannien. Lastbilen er registreret i Bulgarien. Chaufføren, der er af nordirsk baggrund, er blevet arresteret. De 39, hvoraf de fleste er papirløse, døde af luftmangel og er formodentlig enten flygtninge eller desperate arbejdssøgende fra fattige verdensdele. Hvorfor skulle man ellers benytte sig af en […]