A blue whale swims in the deep blue sea off the coast of Mirissa, in southern Sri Lanka, April 5, 2013. The southern tip of Sri Lanka, where the deep waters of the continental shelf is close to the shore, is one of the few locations in the world to see dolphins, whales and other creatures of the deep. Since the end of the 25 years civil war in 2009, tourists are returning to the island to enjoy its natural beauty and catch a rare glimpse of the elusive blue whales, the largest creature that has ever lived. Picture taken April 5, 2013. REUTERS/Joshua Barton (SRI LANKA - Tags: ANIMALS TRAVEL SOCIETY)
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Det er mandag, og vi vil tillade os at foretage en stille og rolig overflyvning på denne plads i dag. Men hvis vi skal tease lidt af hensyn til den særlige føljetonske tekstuelle spændstighed, som du er blevet forvænt med, kan vi oplyse, at ordet lort kommer til at optræde i alt seks gange (fra […]