Palazzo Chigi Press Office/Reuters/Ritzau Scanpix. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wearing a protective face mask attends the inauguration ceremony of the final section of Genoa's new bridge being installed into place and completing the rebuilding of the structure, almost two years after the Morandi bridge collapsed killing 43 people in Genoa, Italy, April 28, 2020. Filippo Attili/Palazzo Chigi Press Office/Handout via REUTERS. ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT.NO ARCHIVE, NO RESALES.
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Tro på fremtiden og Italiens blå bro
En af de mest mærkværdige passager i den skotske filosof David Humes An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding handler om en manglende nuance af blå. Hume har lige brugt et utal af sider på at forklare, at alle idéer i sidste ende er sat sammen af sanseindtryk. Og hvad gør han så? Han river på forbløffende […]