Participants hold placards during a demonstration called for by the initiative "Querdenken" against the current measures of the German government to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in the city centre of Leipzig, eastern Germany, on November 7, 2020. - German police said demonstrators protesting coronavirus restrictions attacked them on November 7 after police called on the protesters to disperse in the city of Leipzig. (Photo by John MACDOUGALL / AFP)
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Maskemodstandens tomme tønder
”Jeriko var lukket og låst for israelitterne; ingen kunne gå ud eller komme ind. Men Herren sagde til Josva: »Se, jeg giver Jeriko og dens konge i din hånd. Nu skal alle I krigere i seks dage gå rundt om byen én gang om dagen. Syv præster skal bære syv vædderhorn foran arken. Men den syvende […]