Former Labour party MPs, (L-R) Ann Coffey, Angela Smith, Chris Leslie, Chuka Umunna, Mike Gapes, Luciana Berger, and Gavin Shuker pose for a photograph following a press conference in London on February 18, 2019, where they announced their resignation from the Labour Party, and the formation of a new independent group of MPs. - Seven MPs from Britain's opposition Labour Party on Monday announced they were breaking away in protest at the party leadership's support for Brexit and its failure to stamp out anti-Semitism. Speaking at a hastily arranged press conference in London, the seven attacked party chief Jeremy Corbyn for leading the party to the far left and said they would sit as an independent group in parliament. Labour-farvel skaber håb om ny afstemning Det skriver Ritzau mandag den 18 februar 2019 (Photo by Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP)
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Børns store fjernsyns- og tabletforbrug er blevet beskyldt for meget. Bekymrede forældre frygter, at de mange timer, børnene bruger på at kigge ind i lysende dioder, går udover de smås evner til at kunne fantasere og lege som i gamle dage. Det er da også en frygtelig tanke. Tænk at leve i en verden, hvor […]