TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump walks back to the White House escorted by the Secret Service after appearing outside of St John's Episcopal church across Lafayette Park in Washington, DC on June 1, 2020. - US President Donald Trump was due to make a televised address to the nation on Monday after days of anti-racism protests against police brutality that have erupted into violence. The White House announced that the president would make remarks imminently after he has been criticized for not publicly addressing in the crisis in recent days. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP)
Vold er en vindersag for Trump
Gadeoptøjer. Ikke siden drabet på Martin Luther King i 1968 – og de efterfølgende og voldelige optøjer under den såkaldte Holy Week Uprising – har USA været så tæt på et landsdækkende oprør som nu. Titusindvis af unge er atter væltet ud på gaderne i frustration, vrede og afmagt – efter politiets drab på den […]