Syv jordlignende planeter kredser om den samme stjerne For første gang i historien er hele syv jordlignende planeter opdaget i kredsløb om en enkelt stjerne. Det oplyser Nasa på et pressemøde. This handout artist's conception released by the European Southern Observatory on February 22, 2017 shows a size comparison of the planets of the TRAPPIST-1 system, lined up in order of increasing distance from their host star. The planetary surfaces are portrayed with an artist's impression of their potential surface features, including water, ice, and atmospheres. The stunning discovery of seven Earth-like planets orbiting a small star in our galaxy opens up the most promising hunting ground to date for life beyond the Solar System, researchers said Wednesday. All seven are within 20 percent of the size and mass of our own planet and almost certainly rocky, and three are ideally situated to harbour life-nurturing oceans of water, they reported in the journal Nature. / AFP PHOTO / European Southern Observatory / R.Hurt/T.Pyle / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / ESO/NASA/R. Hurt/T. Pyle" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
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”Videnskab er interessant, og hvis du ikke er enig, kan du fucke af!” Sådan siger biologen Richard Dawkins i en kostelig paneldebat, man kan se på YouTube. Han citerer godt nok en tidligere redaktør for New Scientist Magazine, men filosofien står han så absolut inde for. Som internationalt anerkendt videnskabsmand og endnu mere anerkendt videnskabsformidler […]