This handout picture taken on June 22, 2018 off the coast of Libya and received from the German NGO "Mission Lifeline" shows migrants boarding a container ship of Danish shipping company Maersk Line after they were rescued from a shipwrecked vessel at sea. Five migrants died and nearly 200 were rescued off the coast of Libya while trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe in two boats, the Libyan navy said on June 23, 2018. Italy said that it would seize two rescue migrant ships, adding that they were "illegally" flying the Dutch flag. The ships Lifeline and Seefuchs, of the German NGO Mission Lifeline and Sea Eye, "will be seized by the Italian government and directed into our ports" to launch an investigation into their legal status, announced Italy's infrastructure minister Danilo Toninelli. / AFP PHOTO / Mission Lifeline e. V. / Danilo CAMPAILLA / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Mission Lifeline e. V. / Danilo Campailla- NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS
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Anstændighed over regelsæt
Det må have været temmelig dramatisk, da det danske containerskib ‘Alexander Maersk’ fredag morgen klokken 4.30 samlede 113 migranter i havsnød op fra Middelhavet. Ifølge bladet Søfart var ”den 155 meter lange feeder” fra 1998 på vej fra Misurata i Libyen til Malta, da den italienske søredningstjeneste sent torsdag aften i henhold til Havretskonventionen (UNCLOS) […]