On January 15th 2019 children and parents of Sjælsmark Deportation Center for declined asylum seekers demonstrated at Copenhagen City Hall Square. They were protesting the bad living conditions of the center in an attempt to raise awareness in the general population as well as with human rights' organizations. . (Foto: Liselotte Sabroe/Ritzau Scanpix)
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Afviste børn fanget i limbo
Det ligger lidt i luften: Forholdene for de mere end 100 børn, som bor og lever i de såkaldte udrejsecentre Sjælsmark og Avnstrup, vil blive forbedret. Det er ikke, fordi Martin Henriksen, Kenneth Kristensen Berth, Inger Støjberg, Marcus Knuth, og hvad hele dette galleri af kompasløse tragiske klovner i dansk politik hedder, har skiftet mening. […]