TOPSHOT - US President Donald Trump delivers a televised address to the nation on funding for a border wall from the Oval Office of the White House in Washington DC on January 8, 2019. - Trump demanded $5.7 billion to fund a wall on the US-Mexico border in his first televised Oval Office address Tuesday, describing a "growing crisis" of illegal immigration hurting millions of Americans. The president stopped short of calling for a much-touted state of emergency, instead appealing to the need to slash the cost of the illegal drug trade, which he put at $500 billion a year. "There is a growing humanitarian and security crisis at our southern border. Every day customs and border patrol agents encounter thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter our country, " Trump said. (Photo by CARLOS BARRIA / POOL / AFP)
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I nat har Trump med en direkte tv-tale til det amerikanske folk sat alt ind på at vinde et epokalt opgør: Hvis han lykkes med at gennemtvinge en ny multi-milliard-bevilling til opførelse af en grænsemur til Mexico, vil han ikke blot indfri sit signatur-valgløfte men også bevise over for alverden, at hans rå businessman-attitude virker […]